What can entrepreneurs learn from one guy named Mo?

What can entrepreneurs learn from one guy named Mo?

Wow! What a feeling! If you have been in London over the last couple of weeks you will know exactly what I talking about. What can entrepreneurs learn from the last couple of weeks in general and the actions of one guy named Mo in particular? Admittedly, you probably don’t have the ability or training to be able to kick twice in a tense final lap and race home to glory but there are still clear business  lessons to be learned from Mo.

Business Learning from one guy named Mo

1. It’s about the journey too – The journey or story of your business is as important as the place that you have arrived at be it a market leadership position or top of the podium. Be sure to communicate your journey because this will resonate with your customers and prospects.

2. Sacrifice is hard but worth it – To upgrade your business from good to great you will have to make sacrifices and this may involve pivoting your business or a change of location. Assess the changes required and implement.

3. There is no substitute for a strong work ethic – No amount of technological advancements or social media platforms will build your business for you. You will have to put in the hard graft.

4. Be distinctive – Other than the two men in the picture who else in athletics has a recognisable winning celebration ritual? How is your company distinctive? If you don’t have an answer – start to work in this now.

5. Be humble – Build humility into your company’s core values and don’t let success change that. The days when consumers blindly followed companies without examining their values are over.

6. Be about more than the pursuit of profit – Of course you want to be commercial but over and above that think about how you can help the wider community – this could be with corporate social responsibility or mentoring programmes. Find a way to give back as Mo has done.

We hope you have found this information inspirational and that you follow up on it. If you would like our help implementing what Mo has taught you give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247 or drop us an email via mail@marketingfundamentals.com and we will set up a meeting. We are a leading Marketing Agency in London.

Best regards,

Marketing Fundamentals Team

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Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd, Blogger, Author & Content Creator