How do you Convert More Leads in Quarter 4?

How do you Convert More Leads in Quarter 4?

We have reached Quarter 4, once again the year is flying by. Traditionally Quarter 4 is a time when B2B businessses are planning their activities for the following year. This makes it a great time to focus on converting more leads into customers for your business. If you can become part of your prospective customer’s planning process you have a very good opportunity to convert them into a client. How do you become front of mind with your prospects? Below I have listed 4 ways to convert more leads during Quarter 4.

Convert More Leads

Request Referrals

Many business people are reluctant to ask existing clent for referrals. Perhaps this is due to a shynesss or concern that the review or recommendation might not be exactly as they would like. As a business owner or marketing professional you must get over this shyness. Referrals from existing clients or customers are perhaps the most effective and profitable source of new clients for service based companies. When someone approaches your company after a referral they have virtally made a decision and there is a much higher chance of you turning them into a customer. For more detail on how to set up a referral system, watch this video. B2B – How Do You Get More Referrals? 

Case Studies

When is your company currently presenting Case Studies to prospects? It’s great to have them on your website but do not assume that your prospects are taking the time to read them. Instead ensure that they are part of your communications to new leads and prospects. At a certain point in the conversation they will want to assess work that you have done previously that is similar to the work they will require you to do. Ensure that you draw their attention to the most relevant sections for them. Don’t send them long documents to read, keep it short and focused.

Video Testimonials

I have been saying this next statement for a few years, to anyone relevant. Video testimonials from current or past customers are absolutely golden and will do wonders for your conversion rates. They are more compelling and relatable than written testimonials because before a client will stand in front of a camera and give you a public review they have to be happy with the work that you have done for them. If you don’t have any video testimonials among your marketing materials we can help you create them. Please use the contact details below to start the conversation.

Attending Events and Conferences

There are probably many events and conferences happening in your industry each week. The challenge is often finding the right events that will lead to conversations with prospective customers and business partners. Do not let this fact dissuade you. Attending the right events is an excellent way to meet prospects and establish relationships that will lead to more business. Speaking at events is also hugely beneficial. At an event you have the opportunity to have the first meeting with a prospect in a relaxed environment. Ensure that you follow up after the event and respond to any questions in a timely fashion, in this way attending events and conferences will help you convert more leads.

All of these approaches can be used at any time of the year, of course, but redoubling your efforts during Quarter 4 will pay dividends.

B2B Content Marketing Agency London

Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We can help you convert more leads.

If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247. You can also email us via

On our YouTube channel you will find marketing advice, business advice & inspiration. Subscribe if you work in Marketing for Professional Services or are a business owner or solo-preneur trying to grow your business. New uploads on Wednesdays.

I hope you have found this information useful.

Best wishes,

Mike Pitt

Founder & CEO – Marketing Fundamentals Ltd

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