SME Owners – Is your marketing loud enough? 7 tips to increase the volume

SME Owners – Is your marketing loud enough? 7 tips to increase the volume

Let’s assume you have a good, solid proposition for your target audience and in terms of your overall strategy you are definitely on track but for some reason you are yet to achieve a major breakthrough in your market place.

Across the board B2C/B2B consumers are cutting back expenditure so trading conditions are tough. Despite this reality there are numerous SME success stories so how can they be doing so well when you are merely ‘getting by’? One possible explanation is that their marketing is ‘louder’ than yours. If you are having trouble getting your marketing voice heard here are 7 tips to make your marketing much louder and much more effective.

7 Tips to Increase Marketing ROI

1.Twitter – If you have an automatic ‘thanks for the follow’ message that reads like this, ‘We look forward to tweeting with you etc…’ and then you never follow up change it to something that you can deliver on and become more distinctive and memorable.

2. Video – Video marketing for your business is so accessible now that you don’t even need dedicated equipment. You can record from an iPhone and crucially not everyone is using it yet. Don’t miss the opportunity to make a big impact in your niche.

3. Your business card – Does it look just like everyone else’s? Find a way to make your business card different in appearance, printed material or content. What you lack in brand profile you can make up for with originality.

4. Send your customers a letter – Not a standard piece of DM or email circular – an old fashioned personalised letter thanking them for their custom and sign it. If you have too many customers you may want to target your key customers initially.

5. Consistency – Establish a regular schedule of marketing communications to your customers and prospective customers. Become known for your area of activity and become very familiar to them.

6. Blog your way to the top of the search results and increase your visibility. Start a blog and publish posts on a regular basis. The truth is that 95% of people give up or post only infrequently but you are going to be louder than that, aren’t you?

7. Go out into the field – meet your customers and engage with them and not just at the usual industry exhibitions and events – try to be more creative in your choice of location or occasion.

If you would like us to help you successfully execute social media marketing activities call us on 0845 2264247 or drop us an email via

We hope you find this information useful.

Kind regards,

Marketing Fundamentals Team

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Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd, Blogger, Author & Content Creator