What did we Learn from Publishing 300 Blog Posts?

What did we Learn from Publishing 300 Blog Posts?

Image: Marketing Fundamentals Ltd

Hello everyone. Thanks for reading our blog posts over the last five years. We know that you live in 183 countries from around the world and the fact that you choose to spend some of your precious time reading our blog has been very much appreciated. We have reached a milestone with the publishing of this post because this is our 300th post. Yay! I remember writing my first post and uploading using internet explorer :-). We have come a long way. Don’t worry I am not going to slip into nostalgia or have all the blog’s guest contributors show up as if it’s the last episode of David Letterman. Keep reading because I want to share with you some of the lessons that I’ve learned from publishing 300 blog posts.

Publishing 300 Blog Posts

1. It is About Consistency

As regular readers know Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London. Content is what we do but consistently describes how we do it. We do this for clients but for ourselves as well. I know not everyone is comfortable writing, that is okay. Pick a platform you are more comfortable with and commit to producing content on a regular basis, your platform could be a YouTube channel, a podcast or one of the Social Media platforms although it is preferable that you own the platform. Whatever you choose, keep producing content and keep showing up, week in and week out. By consistently delivering value added content you will create a competitive advantage for your business. It sounds simple doesn’t it? Most fail and chase the latest new thing, whether that is Vine, Snapchat or Periscope but you are going to be different by staying in the game and being consistent, aren’t you?

2. The Marketplace will Re-write your Business Model for you

If there is a flaw in your business strategy the marketplace will let you know. When I founded Marketing Fundamentals Ltd our focus was initially startups because I wanted to help them create, grow and establish their new businesses. The marketplace taught us that startups generally do not have the finances to afford high end  B2B Content Marketing. They are far more likely to attempt to Do-It-Themselves. For them we created a range of informational products and we refocused on our core market of medium sized businesses. This adjustment put us on a successful path to a bigger and more sustainable business.

3. If you try to be all things to all People you will Disappoint Many

Focus is important. If you follow my Twitter account you’ll know that in addition to unique content from our blog I do tweet some motivational quotes and retweet posts about some of the world’s most celebrated entrepreneurs but that is not our focus. One common mistake that I see on a regular basis is people attempting to brand themselves with motivational quotes or by sharing the thoughts of famous entrepreneurs.  You should identify your target audience, their needs and challenges and create your own content for them. They will not remember you for tweeting quotes or general discussions about billionaire entrepreneurs. Develop your own voice and focus on delivering value to your core target audience. Do not try to please everyone. When we honed in on B2B Content for Professional Services Firms our web traffic actually went down but our revenues went up.

4. Getting the Right Web Visitors is More Important than Getting Lots of Visitors

This is a simple lesson for anyone with an online element to their business. Lots of web visitors that do not convert into customers or even enquiries is not a great position to be in. Yes, I know many Social Media platforms started off that way but for most of us we would like the right visitors coming to our site and then a good conversion rate. By clearly identifying who these right visitors are and then by having a well structured site designed to communicate and convert you will build your business. Regular content continues the process of relationship building which is essential to build your customer base.

5. Go off the Beaten Track

Organic Search is our greatest channel for web traffic. Of our referral sites StumbleUpon is our second largest traffic referrer behind Twitter according to our Google Analytics report. It is a long way behind Twitter but it beat the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook, Google + and Pinterest and a lot of you will not even have a profile on StumbleUpon. Want to find out more? Watch What is StumbleUpon?  here. You should also consider Flipboard and Ello. If you keep following the crowd how do you expect to achieve success? Try to differentiate yourself from your competitors at all times. Going off the beaten track with your Content Marketing Plan is one way to stand out.

A special thank you from me to you for reading this post and all the others that went before. If there are any that you have missed out you know what to do. You’ve got homework. 🙂 We will now get started on the next 300 blog posts.

B2B Content Marketing Agency London

Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms.

If you would like our help creating and executing a Content Marketing Plan for your business or organisation give us a call on +44 (0) 845 2264 247 or you can also email us via mail@marketingfundamentals.com

Thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Mike Pitt

Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd

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Note – This is blog post number 300. Of the 300 published posts I have personally written 243 with team members and guest contributors accounting for the remaining 57.

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Founder of Marketing Fundamentals Ltd, Blogger, Author & Content Creator