Social Media Optimization – Best Practices Guide

Social Media Optimization – Best Practices Guide

The world of digital marketing has easily given the conventional outbound marketing a toss like never before. Today, it is as important to get presence on the web, as it is to spend on advertising on television or anywhere else. The evolving trends have led to the focus on marketing over social media websites.

Social media optimization or SMO, in its simplest form, is optimizing of a website to generate traffic from social media and social networking sites. To make it easy to comprehend, SMO is the process of having a brand recognized through social media and networking sites. By optimizing your business website you can get featured more often on social media sites. Featuring on social media sites can in turn help in Search Engine Optimization, since search engines list all references made to your business and website on any social media site.

How important is Social Media Optimization?

Today more and more individuals and businesses frequent social media and networking sites. Most social media sites offer free profile and page creations. This means that one does not have to invest any money to get a page or profile on these sites. Once you have a page or profile on any such site, you can link it to your website. Since the traffic of social media sites is high, the opportunity to create brand awareness increases.

Due to the sheer traffic that social media sites receive, SMO can be integral for your business.

Improve your Social Media Optimization

Perfecting your Social Media Optimization can help your business flourish. Here are a few steps you can take to better the quality of your SMO:

  • The whole objective of Social Media Optimization is to increase traffic to your website. To ensure that there are enough viewers you need to first gain reputation. There are many methods of doing so. First, you need to have profiles and pages on social media sites. Once you have the pages, try to connect with customers by making your pages informative. You can even approach your customers if you want. If a customer mentions your name it can be seen by hundreds more.
  • Having profiles on every social media site might not be very effective. It is important to target the sites that can bear fruit for you. For example if you are looking to connect with businesses, choose LinkedIn, but if you want to attract a local customer base then you might want to go for Facebook.
  • It is important to make it easy for customers to go to your website from your social media page. Include the links of your website in every post. Mention your website frequently. Offer links to blogs, videos and infographics if any. In short make it easy for customers to find a way to your website.
  • When trying to grab the attention of your audience it is important to engage them. Use visual representations, offer discounts, organize small games and encourage your customers to interact. By increasing interactions you are sure to gain brand recognition. Take ideas from your customers, the involvement can help spread your brand’s name.
  • Make it easier for your viewers to subscribe to your page, share it and like it. Generally these features depend on the social media site that you choose. But it is again up to you to choose the sites where you want to have pages and profiles.
  • Understand the dynamics and the overall pulse of any social media site. Posts that capture attention on Facebook are different than posts that grab attention on Linkedin. Facebook is primarily used in leisure time while Linkedin is more of a professional place. Understand on what channels your target audience is present and create relevant content to capture their attention.

Try out these basic Social Media Optimization techniques and leverage the power of mass reach that these social media sites provide to today’s businesses.

We hope this information has been useful to you. If you’d like to talk to us about creating effective Social Media Strategy for your business give us a call on +44 845 226 4247 or email us at

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