Have you set up Your Services Business For Success?

Have you set up Your Services Business For Success?

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If your services business is to be successful you will need to be focused and that is difficult given that there are so many distractions.  Some business owners are distracted by the search for angel investment, for others it is the lure of a new marketing platform. There is an opportunity to be successful with your services business but not in the way that it is portrayed in the media.

Overnight success stories are the exception rather than the rule. In most cases success has come to business owners who were able to play the ‘long game’ and make progress over time. Small iterations became the foundation on which their success was built. I know this is not the usual narrative that we are fed by the media but it is the reality for the majority of services businesses. To ensure organic business growth you will need several building blocks in place. I have listed some of them below.

Your Services Business

1. Relationships

Social Media has made it easier to build rapport and begin to establish new relationships online. Relationships will remain key to the future success of your services business. Remember that online relationships complement rather than replace in person relationships. It’s vitally important that you go out and meet people face to face. Networking is not dead.

2. Consistency

You must be consistent in how you deliver your services to your clients but also in how you market your business. I know, consistency is not sexy or even exciting but it is the cornerstone of many successful businesses around the world. Consistency creates trust and people would rather do business with people that they trust.

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3. Team Building

It is no secret that to scale a services based business you will need to build a great team. Ensure that you devote enough time and resource to develop yourself as an effective leader and become one that attracts team members who believe in the vision you have for your company. All staff should share a strong work ethic and commitment to the company’s goals.

4. Efficient Business Systems

As a business owner you will be approached on a weekly basis by someone promising to transform your business with their new product or service. In most cases you do not need their latest bright shiny solution. What you do need is to create a number of systems that manage the workflow through your business from initial order to delivery. HR management software will help you create and manage a a more efficient business. All business systems must be documented, the existence and use of these systems will increase the efficiency of your business. Attaining ISO 9001 accreditation will underline your commitment to quality management systems and customer satisfaction.


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