How Many Web Visitors Should You Have?

How Many Web Visitors Should You Have?

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One question we have been asked many times, by B2B business owners and marketing professionals, is this one, how many web visitors should we have each month? There are lots of variables that contribute to the amount of web traffic a particular website achieves. Variables such as the sector that the company is in and the age of the company will have a significant impact on the potential audience size for any website. Most companies that we work with are B2B companies with less than 50 employees, for companies like this, we have found a benchmark of 1000 visitors per month to be realistic. Newer companies maybe nowhere near this figure yet and well established companies may easily surpass it.

It’s important not to focus solely on monthly visitors of course, tracking conversions of visitors into leads and customers is crucial to understand what part your website is playing in the new business development process.

How to Achieve 1000 Visitors per Month

How often are you blogging on your site? Are you and your team able to drive traffic to your site using Social Media? When did you last assess the quality of the backlinks pointing to your site? These are all questions that should be considered before a solution can be provided.

In most instances, creating regular unique content and establishing high quality backlinks will increase the amount of monthly visitors to your website. We can help you achieve both, send me an email to start the conversation.

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B2B Content Marketing Agency London

Marketing Fundamentals Ltd is a B2B Content Marketing Agency in London that creates Content and manages Social Media for Professional Services firms. We hope you find this information useful.

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